Wednesday, August 15, 2012

On the 101 in Nor Cal, like far Nor Cal, there is a special place called Confusion Hill. It is 5 dollar tourist stop and one gets to go through a interactive area which includes a house where GRAVITY DOES NOT EXIST, at least not obviously.

These photos do not do it justice. But you can walk on the walls with ease, water flows up him, as well as golf balls. This is a FANTASTIC PLACE!

I tried to you my B.S. degree (that whole year of physics) but the only theory that I came up with was that they dug into the hill. The trick is a posted sign said that the building was built slanted on the hill and nothing was moved to build it, which disproves my theory. 

It was a fun time had by all and I will probably do it again because common, who doesn't like walking on walls. 

Confusion Hill is Fun for Everyone!

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